It is possible to increase the penis size with the help of soda?

There are many methods to increase the penis size, about what you know the modern man – the progress in the field of medicine and pharmacology gives a wide variety of options. There are, however, the old recipes that were used by many people even in antiquity. Are herbal blends, herbal infusions, pulp of roots, stems, and leaves him as a resident of ancient China, and lasts for a scandinavian for the knights. One of the more straightforward techniques, recommended popular medicine – sodium bicarbonate pure, that there is in each house and is used for a variety of needs: disinfection of wounds up to the bleaching of linen. How reasonable is the solution? Is it really possible to enlarge penis with the help of soda? Listen to the opinion of the experts.

Popular penis enlargement methods

how to enlarge penis

The problem of a small fertile body relevant to many, sex is strong: about 60% of men dissatisfied with the status quo. It must be admitted that, in almost half of cases, the fears are unfounded. The psychologists call a reasonable complex with imposed stereotypes, stories of family and friends, many of which are fiction. People who really is not too much to add in length or width, not both. In addition, women prefer the size medium – large phallus brings pain and discomfort. To increase the size of the genitals, there are many traditional and surgical decision-making.

  • Regular gym – jelcing. A set of exercises that involve the muscles of the groin and pelvis, is beneficial not only for sexual vigor, but also to the work of the heart muscle, respiratory system, blood vessels. In addition, the constant exercise, a powerful tool for the prevention of prostatitis.
  • Masturbation – effective option to reset the accumulated energy, to stretch the soft tissue of the stud of love, to train the muscles, which, as the body of an athlete, it will look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. It is important not to overdo this, otherwise, can develop psychological dependence, including the fear of a classic sex.
  • Mechanical popular devices such as bring you immediate, although short-term effects. Extender – coach of weight, wearing which extends the cavernous tissue. But, are the most sought after vacuum proton pump, which allow you to increase the authority.
  • Gels, ointments, creams, pills, efficient, but not safe solution: many are based on the hormonal action, so before using you should consult your doctor. The exception are natural drugs, one of which we describe in the final chapter.
  • Surgical interventions – a method that applies in extreme cases, if there are significant medical indications. Lipofilling, the operation, the pump of substance, the transplantation of tissues, implantation of cartilage – effective means, but, as all operations related to a particular risk and undesirable consequences.

So, if innocuous, the sodium bicarbonate?

One of the most inexpensive and common products in the kitchen helps him in the healing of scratches, removal of stains, disinfecting of facilities, recipes for cakes. Quarter of a teaspoon is enough to get rid of heartburn. The substance is widely applied in industry and agriculture, to use it in such a delicate matter requires a lot of care. The effect of coolant to the member can adversely affect your health, if you do not know the measures. However, the doctors admit that when the proper dosage is able to exert a positive impact on the organs of the urinary system and on human well-being in general. In that, specifically, acts product?

  • The great advantage of the dilution of the blood. Because of this, it is more intense comes to specific types of structures, forcing the penis to harden and be in shape.
  • Disinfection of fabrics. If the circumstances make it so that the proximity will not be at home – the use of sodium carbonate will put obstacles in the way of an infection.
  • Ingest small amounts, it cleans the body of toxins and toxins. This improves the general state and helps you feel in bed confident.

ATTENTION!Proven the effect of the application of white substances to increase the penis! Therefore, if you use it, and the result may not be seen in any case, do not increase the dose: can cause burns on the delicate skin of the skin.

How to use acid salt

the increase in a member of the soda

Composition sodium carbonate, does not contain anything that might actually help the man to lengthen the penis. Therefore, the hope he was the penis enlargement soda at least naive. In addition, apply it regularly and in large doses, as said some of these recommendations, dangerous: small crystals scratch the skin and the mucosa, causing irritation and allergy. In addition, in some people, there is an idiosyncrasy of the product. Cheap substance acts exclusively as a tool for the prevention and treatment of colds and infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. Advocates of dietary supplements offer the 3 main methods of use of the product.

  • The use of solution water actually counteracts the increase of the acidity – heartburn, that is familiar to many fans of fast-food. For a start, try to limit the use of greasy, spicy, fried foods. But the large amount of salt of a carbonic acid and sodium violates the acid-alkaline balance, which is full of failures in metabolism.
  • Hot bath of drilling are used for the treatment of sore throat, laryngitis, stomatitis, catch up with frequency. However, a valid result is not installed, the medical angle, what works and the Placebo effect: the patient hopes for the best, self-hypnosis helps, the disease subsides.
  • Massaging the mixture with honey, it does nothing in terms of growth of magnitude fertile body. Honey – a great tool to smooth the skin, and also a product to increase the production of testosterone. But directly in such a way that may not affect the dimensions of the stud of love.

If you have not yet decided

Desire of adventure lives on in many people: the desire for new discoveries produces adrenaline, which stimulates in exploits. Maybe someone really believes in the magic of penis enlargement with the sodium bicarbonate, which does not want to communicate with tablets and devices, with the fear of getting used to, or not wanting to deal with the case, which do not usually say aloud. The substance may be used in conjunction with hydro-pump, not forgetting vegetable oil, or solar – so as to be able to avoid skin damage. It is worth to make sure that you do not have an allergy to soda – apply the solution on the fold of the elbow, the smell, make sure nausea and dizziness not. You can start the adoption of the trays or rub it, not forgetting some of the rules.

  • Prior to any manipulation of the genitals should take the warm, can be a little hot to warm the soul of fabrics. Light massage gives the muscles need tone, prepares for the exercise.
  • For use in intimate spaces need only a thin substance, without impurities, scents, and additives. What is good in cooking, is not suitable for applications in places with delicate skin.
  • Apply refined edible oil on the penis, rub, a massage. The excess you can remove the toilet with a cloth. Then, lower the speak to the soda solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiled water.
  • If you chose the mask of honey, cover speak of honey for 15 minutes, then rinse with water, apply a moisturizing cream. Some people have used coffee powder, however, the effectiveness of this method has not been proven.
  • Avoid dust on the head and mucous membranes of the surface – this can cause itching, erythema, dermatitis. It is necessary to rub it gently, without effort to avoid damage to the skin.

CAUTION!Use only quality products. Cheaper powder with large fractions can hurt the delicate skin. The purchase of natural honey can cause an allergy, angioedema and other nasty consequences.

Alternative methods

The use of the sodium salt of cosmetic, preventative, holistic treatments in order – the topic of another article, but enlarge the penis with the help of soda's unreal, it will confirm any reasonable doctor. However, if you do not want to use the massager, refraining from masturbation, you are afraid of hormone replacement addiction tablets sold in pharmacies – there are classic methods to increase its power and sizes of virility. All diseases of the nerves – this truth must not forget, therefore, less worry, we will not the will of depression. Move more: sedentary work and lack of physical exercise reduce the male strength and inhibits the development of an organism. Stop smoking and consumption of alcohol. For confidence in bed is important is the correct mode.

ways of penis enlargement
  • Locate the opportunity to eat a little, but, often, 4 to 5 times per day. More eat fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetables, especially the parsley and the cilantro. Whenever possible, connect in the diet of seafood – shrimp, oysters, mussels. The vitamins and minerals that will give you walnuts, honey, hard cheeses, and dairy products.
  • Regular physical activity has for each person. Even a half-time load in the morning will help stabilise your blood stream, to normalize the pressure, to avoid of plaques in the vessels. Running, swimming, walking tours – an excellent tool to strengthen the immunity and hardening.
  • Loving yourself, respecting the mode of work and rest, sleep. Daily night's sleep should be at least 8 hours, preferably with a window slightly open. This will accelerate the metabolism, enhance immunity, will do work your endocrine system.